• Ensure that all valuables and important documents like driving licences, marriage certificates, weapon licences, ID’s and the first few pages of passports are photocopied, authenticated by a Commissioner of Oath and securely locked away. If you do not have a fire proof home safe, lodge these copies with your Bank for safekeeping.
  • Ensure that perimeter doors are fitted with adequate locks. The front door should have a safety chain or safety latch and, if the door has no vision panel, a door viewer. If keys to perimeter doors are mislaid, those locks should be replaced.
  • Fit suitable “spacers”, locks or bolts to all sliding doors to prevent them from being lifted off their tracks (the most common method used by burglars on sliding doors and windows).
  • Ensure all windows are fitted with adequate locks or burglar bars that cover all glass.
  • Ensure that all duplicate keys are locked away if not in use. Do not leave indoors or make unnecessary copies.
  • Install a safe for weapons and valuables. Duplicate house keys could be kept in this safe. Wall safes are usually not fireproof and therefore not suitable for face value documents and money.
  • Keep the garage and tool shed locked when not in use. Would-be intruders should not have access to any item that can be used as a weapon or burglary tool.
  • Install outside lights that can be remotely controlled from inside the house. Consider installing lighting outside which is activated by a motion detector.
  • Try not to have high walls and tall hedges that obscure your view of the property. If walls and ledges are low or have openings, neighbours and passers-by will more easily be able to spot suspicious or unusual activity.
  • Reduce all heavy foliage near the garage entrance and front door to reduce the possibility of those spots being used as a hiding place.

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